After 3 Hours of Questioning, Audrey Davis Admits to Her Porn Video
JAKARTA - The mystery of the woman in the pornographic video that went viral on social media has finally been revealed. Audrey Davis, the daughter of former vocalist of the band Naif David Bayu, admitted that she was the one in the pornographic video.
The woman's identity was revealed after Audrey Davis underwent two examinations at the Polda Metro Jaya.
In the first examination on August 6, Audrey Davis had not admitted that the woman in the pornographic video was her. This is because the investigator only had time to ask six questions and the daughter of David Bayu asked for it to be stopped temporarily.
Moreover, the questions asked by the investigator are believed to not have entered the main case.
The Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Senior Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak, said the reason behind the request to stop the examination was Audrey Davis' health condition.
"Because witness AD's health condition does not allow for the examination to be continued today, the examination of the person concerned is closed," said Ade on Tuesday, April 6.
Therefore, the investigator rescheduled it for Wednesday, August 7, at 13:00 WIB.
Audrey Davis kept her promise. Together with her father, she fulfilled the summons for further examination related to the pornographic content case.
The daughter of David Bayu underwent a three-hour examination starting from 14.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB.
During the examination, investigators asked 27 questions, all of which were answered by Audrey Davis.
"The Cyber Sub-Directorate Investigator of the Special Crimes Directorate asked 27 questions related to the alleged criminal act that occurred," he said.
The results of the examination, Audrey Davis admitted that the female figure in the pornographic video was her.
"From the results of the further examination conducted on witness AD, witness AD admitted that the female figure in the video was her," said Ade
In addition, investigators also found new information from the examination process. However, regarding what new facts were meant, Ade stated that he could not reveal it.
Because, this will be investigated further by investigators for the purposes of developing the investigation of the a quo case.
"We cannot convey it yet because it is an investigation material, we will update the developments later," said Ade.
On the other hand, during the examination process, Audrey also submitted several documents. However, the form of the document in question was not conveyed.
"Witness AD also submitted several documents to investigators and will be analyzed by the investigation team regarding the alleged criminal acts that occurred," said Ade.
For information, the examination of Audrey Davis is a follow-up to the arrest of two suspects in the distribution of pornographic content known to have the initials MRS and JE at different locations on July 29, 2024.
The two suspects distributed pornographic content, one of which was played by a woman who looked like Audrey Davis.