Reviewed By Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, PTPP Speeds Up The Construction Of The Way Sekampung Dam

JAKARTA - The state-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) is speeding up the completion of the dam project construction which is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN), namely the Way Sekampung Dam Development.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, paid a working visit to the Way Sekampung Dam construction project in Lampung Province. During his working visit, Ma'ruf Amin was accompanied by Jarot Wiyoko as Director General of Water Resources of the Ministry of PUPR along with the Directors of BUMN Karya.

In the event, M. Toha Fauzi as Director of Operations 2 PTPP along with Pande Ketut as SVP of PTPP's Infrastructure Division 2 along with the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi also attended the visit.

The Way Sekampung Dam construction project, which is located in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, currently has a total of 92 percent which is targeted to be completed in the third quarter of this year.

The construction of the Way Sekampung dam has many benefits for the surrounding community, including providing irrigation water for a land area of 55,373 hectares, providing raw water of 2,482 liters per second for Bandar Lampung, Branti and Metro City.

In addition, the dam can function as a Microhide Power Plant (PLTM) with a power of 5.4 MW (2 x 2.7 MW). In addition, the construction of the dam is also useful for water tourism and environmental conservation in the Pringsewu Regency and its surroundings. The dam, which has an effective capacity of 68 million meters per cubic meter, was built in 2016 for five years.

Yuyus Juarsa, Corporate Secretary of PTPP, said that the presence of the Way Sekampung Dam in Lampung Province will certainly provide many benefits for the surrounding community. The government did not stop the dam construction work during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was done to maintain the target of completing the PSN and maintain the sustainability of the Indonesian economy.

"The presence of this dam has benefits for the provision of raw water in the Pringsewu Regency area. In addition, the presence of the dam can be used as flood control and as conservation and tourism land so that it can improve the welfare of the local community," said Yuyus in a written statement, Wednesday, March 24.

Not only that, he continued, the presence of the dam is expected to increase planting intensity through irrigation. So it is hoped that the completion of the dam construction will encourage economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The company is proud to be trusted by the Ministry of PUPR to build a dam that is included in the PSN list. The company also promises to complete the construction on time with the best quality," said Yuyus.