Residents Of Naibonat Kupang Hand Over 2 Active Grenades Made In Korea To Korem 161/Wirasakti

KUPANG - Commander of Korem 161/Wirasakti Kupang Brigadier General Joao Xavier Barreto Nunes said his party received the handover of two active Korean-made grenades from Naibonat residents, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.This is proof that our community has begun to openly surrender weapons, both long-barreled and grenade weapons, which were given today,” he said in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 7.The two units of grenades made in Korea when they were shown to reporters were wrapped in isolatip so that the hooks from the grenade were not easily released, considering that they had been left for a long time. Two units of grenades are also stored in a box filled with sand, with the aim of keeping them safe and not easily colliding.The use of these grenades is very dangerous. Because if it is misused, the impact will be very fatal. Moreover, Joao continued, if it is stored by civilians in his house, it will be very dangerous."This “ Granate when it's old age, friction alone will explode, even a little wobble can explode so it's dangerous, especially if it falls," he said.The two grenade units, he said, will be handed over to PAL and then destroyed. Because if it is stored in the arsenal, it is feared that things will happen that we do not want, such as the explosion of a gun warehouse in an area in Indonesia some time ago.Danrem also said that from January to August there had been one active weapon and two grenades that were given by residents voluntarily. In addition, there are also homemade weapons from the war left by Timor Leste from Indonesia which have been voluntarily handed over by residents to the TNI."For the homemade weapon, the number is 275 units and everything will be destroyed later," he said.
He also appealed to residents, if they still have active weapons or homemade weapons, to immediately hand them over to the Indonesian Army so as not to cause things that violate the law.