Joni 'Red And White' Who Failed To Enter The TNI Because He Was Highly Invited By Danrem Wirasaki Kupang

KUPANG - Yohanes Ande Kalla or known as Joni The Red and White Boy was invited by Danrem 161/Wirasadi Kupang to meet at Makorem this morning."I was invited by Mr. Danrem to meet him," said Joni when met at Makorem 161/Wirasakti Kupang, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 7.When Joni arrived, Joni wore a white shirt and pants made of black cloth, carrying a bag and two pencils in his hand, and a taper and eraser.He admitted that he had just arrived in Kupang on Tuesday, after previously meeting with the Commander of the Belu Kodim, in Atambua City. Joni admitted that he did not know the reason for being summoned to Makorem, after he was declared not to have passed the selection to enter the Indonesian Army."It's nice to be called back here, but I don't know if to take another test or not," he said.Joni, a teenager who was still in elementary school in 2018, went viral because his action of climbing the Red and White flag during the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony in Belu Regency to save the red and white flag that was lit up during the flag ceremony.After going viral, he was then invited by President Joko Widodo to the State Palace and met with President Jokowi. When asked about his dreams by the number one person in Indonesia, Joni admitted that he wanted to be a soldier.Jokowi immediately told Joni to meet directly with the TNI Commander and promised to be immediately accepted into the TNI.However, after participating in the 2024 TNI AD NCO acceptance selection, after hearing high school graduation, he was declared not to have passed during the initial selection conducted by Ajenrem 16104/Wirasakti Kupang.
The reason is because his height is not ideal or in accordance with the conditions for entering the TNI so he was ordered to return again in 2025 to take the same test."Yes, I was disappointed, yesterday when the initial selection was immediately declared a failure, because the height was not appropriate. I measured 155.8 meters temporarily according to the requirements of 163 meters. But I will prepare myself again for next year," he said.