BPK Finds Problems About People's Market Development In The Ministry Of Trade's LK In 2023

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found a volume shortage problem in 22 community market development/revitalization work through auxiliary assistance funds which resulted in an overpayment of Rp1.22 billion in the Ministry of Trade's Financial Report (LK) in 2023.

"BPK recommends to the Minister of Trade (Minister of Trade) to instruct the Director General of Domestic Trade to instruct the Director of Trade and Logistics Facilities to provide guidance to each Commitment Making Officer (PPK) to be more careful in controlling the implementation of work and receiving the results of the work as promised," said BPK Second Member Daniel Lumban Tobing as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 7.

Another problem is that there are fixed land assets controlled by other parties, resulting in the permanent assets of the land unable to be utilized and the risk of loss by the Ministry of Trade.

In this case, his party recommends that the Head of the General Bureau and Procurement Services instruct the management/store of State Property (BMN) at the level of the power of goods users to take strategic steps in securing land fixed assets.

Despite the problems, the existing problems did not have a material impact on the fairness of the Ministry of Trade's LK presentation in 2023.

In addition, the Ministry of Trade's LK has been presented fairly by referring to the suitability of government accounting standards (SAP).

"Based on these considerations, BPK provides an unqualified opinion (WTP) on the Ministry of Trade's LK in 2023 in all material matters in accordance with the SAP. BPK hopes that the Trade Minister can continue to encourage his staff to resolve all problems that BPK has found and immediately resolve the follow-up recommendations that have been given by BPK," said Daniel.