Bogor City Grand Mosque Ceiling Collapses, Council Plans To Summon PUPR Service

Information on the collapse of the ceiling of the Great Mosque of Bogor City has been received by Commission III of the Bogor City DPRD. A member of Commission III of the Bogor City DPRD, Said Muhamad Mohan also said that Commission III had planned to summon the Bogor City PUPR Service in the near future.

"We want to explore it later. Yesterday we also got the information from social media. Maybe later the commission will respond to it soon to summon the PUPR Service, asking for an explanation of the part that turned out to be collapsing which was included in the budget year," said Mohan, in his statement, Wednesday, August 7th

According to Mohan, the explanation from the PUPR Service is very important, so that information is open when the collapsed ceiling construction will be carried out.

This is because the construction of the Bogor City Grand Mosque is carried out partially, so that with the year of construction known, it can also be found out the cause of the collapse of the ceiling.

"The Great Mosque is a partial development process, every year the budget continues to appear. Regarding the collapsed ceiling, we also want to explore this in which activity. Whether this year, or 2023, or when," he explained.

Finally, Mohan also highlighted the performance of the consultant supervisory supervisor for the construction of the Bogor Grand Mosque. Because, with the breaking of the ceiling of the Grand Mosque which was only inaugurated by Bima Arya, Mohan indicated that there was negligence in the supervision of the construction.

"We will also ask why the supervisory consultant did not supervise the specifications, why did it get wind until it collapsed," he concluded.