Jokowi's Apology Is Called Manifestation Of Leader's Humble Attitude

Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s apology at the national remembrance and prayer event at the Merdeka Palace on August 1, 2024 was an embodiment of the noble values of religion and etiquette.

"The context of its delivery is also in the zikr forum and national prayers which were attended by various interfaith and community leaders who were held to welcome the month of independence," said Ari in a written statement, Wednesday, August 7.

Although various surveys show that the level of trust and satisfaction in Jokowi's performance is still high, Ari said, the President still realizes that being an ordinary human being certainly has shortcomings.

"This kind of attitude is a manifestation of the humility of a leader," concluded Ari.

At the event, President Jokowi apologized if during his tenure he did things that were not pleasing. "Allow me and Professor KH Ma'ruf Amin to apologize profusely for any mistakes and mistakes, especially as long as we both carry out our mandate as president and vice president," said Jokowi.

In the speech, Jokowi also admitted that it was impossible to please all parties so that everything that was done would lead to pros and cons.

We realize that as humans, it cannot be fun and fulfill the expectations of all parties. I am not perfect, I am an ordinary human being. Perfection belongs only to Allah, the Kingdom of heaven and earth and whatever is in it. He is omnipotent over everything," he said.