PIS Cargo Petrokimia Transport From China For The Smelter Industry

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) has successfully carried out the initial shipment of petrochemical cargo for international routes. A presentation is carried out for the cargo of petrochemical caustic soda from China to Indonesia. which will later be used in domestic aluminum smelters.

The acquisition of caustic soda is a collaboration between PIS, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, and Wanhua Chemical Group, and is supported by Pertamina International Shipping Asia Pacific (PIS AP).

The shipment contract with this company reached 96,000 tons, and is the initial phase of cooperation between all parties.

"This achievement contributes significantly to the domestic mining and mineral sector. The availability of raw materials to support the industry continues to grow and compete in the global market," said Director of Gas, Petrochemical an New Business PIS, Arief Sukmara, Tuesday, August 6.

Pertamina Marketing Director Patra Niaga Maya Kusmaya revealed that her party is committed to developing new commodities for the portfolio of Petrochemical and Chemical Business products at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

"The success of this program cannot be separated from the collaboration and synergy between SH Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina Patra Niaga and SH Integrated Marine Logistics PT Pertamina International Shipping to ensure the smooth delivery of products appropriately and safely," concluded Maya.

For information, caustic soda is one of the chemicals needed for aluminum refining in the smelter graded alumina refinery (SGAR) owned by Borneo Alumina Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk.

Borneo Alumina Indonesia operates a megaproject of mining smelters, and is a national strategic project that has the potential to boost Indonesia's alumina production.