After Being Examined, Fadly Faisal Gives Fuji Advice So That He Will No Longer Be Fooled

Fadly Faisal was seen attending the West Jakarta Metro Police to be investigated in connection with the alleged embezzlement of Rp1.3 billion by the former manager of Fuji, Batara Ageng.

After undergoing the examination, Fadly Faisal conveyed the questions raised by the investigators. Fadly admitted that he was asked about Fuji's relationship with Batara and then Fuji's financial channel that was held by Batara when he was still a manager.

"Regarding whether I know Batara or not, keep transferring, then how much is the nominal, just confirm it. Then how about Fuji's closeness to Batara at first," said Fadly Faisal at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, August 6.

As an older brother, Fadly Faisal admitted that he had advised his younger brother regarding hiring other people to be more careful.

He asked Fuji to check the person's background before being hired. If it looks suspicious, it's better to just let go.

"Yes, we just sort it out more. We check all kinds of backgrounds again. If the background is bad, it's better just go straight out, don't try it," said Fadly.

The reason is that the Batara Ageng incident not only harmed Fuji's material but also mentally. "Because of fear, it was also caused not only to the account but also to the mental one," he added.

Fuji himself admitted that he couldn't wait for this case to be tried. He is also grateful that the Batara Ageng suspect has been officially detained by the police. "Alhamdulillah, it went smoothly, thank you to the West Jakarta Police, it went smoothly and this has been a little longer and can't wait until the trial," said Fuji.