The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Approaches PUPR To Use Reservoir As Floating PLTS

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is currently exploring cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia (PUPR) to utilize the surface of reservoir water as a place for photovoltaic diesel (PV) installation.

It is known, the government continues to strive to increase new and renewable energy sources (EBT) that have proven to be environmentally friendly, including the use of water levels in lakes and in quiet seas as land for the installation of PV diesel.

Later, the development of Floating PLTS will be prioritized at Floating PLTS with potential capacities above 10 MW taking into account financial eligibility.

"With the use of PV floating on several dams that have been built by PUPR, we have been able to accelerate the additional 14 GWs again, we have made priorities for which reservoirs and lakes can be utilized, including Lake Singkarak and Saguling," said ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif to reporters, Tuesday, August 6.

Based on existing data, said Arifin, Indonesia has a large source of EBT that has been mapped from Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, to Papua.

RI is also known to have a source of almost 4 terawatt EBT (TwH) with the largest potential for solar energy, which is around 3,294 GW.

"The solar energy is indeed the biggest because it is hoped that it will be used not only for land but also for photovoltaic floating (PV)," he continued.

The potential energy to be obtained from water surface utilization in lakes and reservoirs is estimated at 14 MW spread across 259 locations throughout Indonesia.

There are 3 projects included in the PLN 2021-2030 Generation Plan (RUPTL), Singkarak Lake (90 MW) in West Sumatra which has entered the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) stage, Saguling Reservoir (60 MW) in West Java has also PPA and in Lake Lampung (100 MW) in Lampung which is still in the planning stage.