In The Next 2 Days There Will Be Consolidation Of KIM Plus, Signals PKS And Nasdem Or PKB To Join?
JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that within the next 1-2 days there will be consolidation and synchronization of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus. According to Dasco, there will be parties outside KIM to join, including for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.
"Yes, it will be found out for two days from the synchronization," said Dasco at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, August 5.
Dasco said there would be more than one party that would join KIM Plus. It's just that he was reluctant to mention the party that would join KIM Plus, whether including PKS, the Nasdem Party or PKB.
"Later, we will tell you plus one day, plus more than one," said Dasco.
However, Dasco ensured that KIM Plus had not made a declaration within the next 1-2 days. What he did, he said, was just synchronizing and consolidating between KIM and KIM Plus for Indonesia's progress.
"Sehari-dua hari dalam rangka bukan (dekasi) kita melakukan synchronisasi dengan partai KIM dan plusnya," pungkas Dasco.
The discourse of KIM Plus was first raised by Sufmi Dasco Ahmad who stated that different parties supported in the 2024 presidential election, would join KIM in regional elections, especially in Jakarta, West Java and Central Java. According to Dasco, if KIM Plus is realized in Jakarta, then the Jakarta Governor Election has the potential to only be followed by two cagub-cawagub pairs.
Nasdem, PKS, and PKB also have the opportunity to join KIM Plus. Nasdem still seems doubtful in supporting Anies Baswedan and has yet to provide an official recommendation letter to Anies to run for the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
Meanwhile, PKB support for Anies is still at the DPW level of Jakarta Province. The PKB DPP has not yet provided an official recommendation to Anies and has even recently considered joining KIM Plus.
PKS has officially supported Anies Baswedan, but was immediately duetted with PKS cadre Sohibul Iman. However, the Jakarta gubernatorial election could be one of the PKS bargainings that had asked to join the upcoming Prabowo-Gibran government.
This means that PKS can join the Prabowo-Gibran government on condition that it supports the cagub-cawagub pair promoted by KIM in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.