Head Of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani Refuses To Open Initial T
JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani is reluctant to open a figure with the initials T who is said to be the controller of online gambling and criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) to the public.
In fact, Benny asked the T figure to be questioned by the police who had examined him.
"Regarding the material later to the investigators regarding the material to the investigators, yes," said Benny to reporters, Monday, August 5.
Even when confirmed about the figure of T being an Indonesian citizen (WNI) or a foreign citizen (WNA), Benny still refused to open it. He repeated his statement to question the police about it.
"Regarding the material, it was submitted to investigators," said Benny.
Meanwhile, Benny's attorney, Petrus Selestinus, who was questioned about the same thing, did not reveal the figure of T in question by his client.
Instead, it was said that the police had to reveal who the real figure was behind the initials T.
"Regarding the initials T, it is the investigator's job to clarify. It is not Benny's responsibility. Because he is called T, it means that he is the figure who is actually not clear. It is the police's job to make it clear," said Petrus.
Benny Rhamdani has finished undergoing further examination regarding the figure of T at Bareskrim Polri, today.
The examination of Benny lasted for approximately 8 hours, starting at around 12.12 WIB to 20.17 WIB. In the process, investigators are said to have asked 64 questions.
During the previous examination process, Benny was questioned about 22 questions by investigators. On that occasion, Benny claimed to have explained that the figure with the initials T was not the controller of online gambling but the mastermind behind the criminal case of trafficking in persons or TIP.
"My speech and what was conveyed in an internal meeting or limited meeting at the palace was about preventing criminal acts of trafficking in persons," said Benny.
"So when it comes to the Cambodian issue, it has something to do with where our illegally dispatched workers are employed in the online gambling business and online scamming," he continued.