Anies Baswedan Wants To Imitate Jokowi At The Asian Games Through Formula E: Not Profit, Even Lucky

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan apparently wants to gain success like President Joko Widodo at the 2018 Asian Games. This was done by Anies through Formula E car racing.

Unfortunately, this plan failed because Indonesia was also attacked by COVID-19. Anies' stage in DKI Jakarta has increasingly disappeared after the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) 'uncovered' the flow of funds from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for commitment fees of nearly IDR1 trillion.

This was expressed by social media activist Eko Kuntadhi through a discussion with Nong Darol Mahmada and Ade Armando on the CokroTV Youtube channel, "Losing the State Trillions of Rupiah, How come Anies still wants to be President."

"If I look at it from the start the Formula E program is like a lighthouse. This program was planned for 2020 but was postponed to 2021 and then 2022. In 2022 Pak Anies ended his term of office, then it seemed as if he succeeded like Pak Jokowi at the Asian Games, getting public attention, but there was a pandemic and finally got bad luck, "Eko was quoted as saying on Wednesday, March 24.

According to Eko, the public interest in Jakarta will be sucked in by Anies Baswedan's ambitious program. Just imagine, the attention of the residents when the protocol road in DKI Jakarta was used as the Formula E racing circuit.

Worse, the economic benefits are not widely felt by the community. Because, Eko continued, according to a study from the Provincial Government there would be a direct fund of around IDR 150 billion.

"The total expenditure reaches Rp1.6 trillion. And if the regional government studies it, there will be a direct fund of around Rp150 billion, so direct funds. Through sponsors or participants who stay at hotels and others," said Eko.

With this data, the Provincial Government's expenditure for organizing events is not proportional to the flow of money that comes in. "There is a psychological advantage, Jakarta is in the eyes of the world. But what does not count is that Formula E is running. Another economy is dead because Jakarta is closed. The roads, for example, cafes that are traversed by cars are closed. One day, you will definitely lose money, which will benefit the hotel where the participants stay," he said. said Eko.

The next criticism was conveyed by Ade Armando who regretted why the Provincial Government did not have the power to take back the commitment fee funds that had been submitted to the Formula E committee.

"It's like not having the authority of the government for the benefit of the people. Pak Anies and friends can't even handle cases that we see simple," said Ade.

In the results of the audit issued on June 19, 2020, the BPK noted that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has paid a commitment fee and a Bank Guarantee of nearly IDR1 trillion.

The DKI Jakarta Representative Audit Agency (BPK) reports the results of audits of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's financial transactions from 2019 to 2020. One of the audits is Formula E program transactions.

In the audit results issued on 19 June 2020, the BPK noted that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has paid a commitment fee and a Bank Guarantee of nearly IDR1 trillion.

"Based on research on financial transactions related to the implementation of Formula E, it is known that payments made to FEO are worth GBP53,000,000 or equivalent to Rp. 983,310,000,000," said Head of BPK Representative Office for DKI Jakarta Pemut Aryo Wibowo, quoted by VOI from the audit report on Friday, March 19.

In detail, there is a commitment fee paid in 2019 worth IDR 360 billion. Furthermore, in 2020, the paid commitment fee is equivalent to IDR 200.3 billion. Then, the Bank Guarantee that is paid is worth IDR 423 billion

Pemut explained, initially Formula E was held on June 6, 2020. Unfortunately, during the preparation for the first season, Indonesia was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is a force majeure condition, causing the Governor of DKI Jakarta to postpone the implementation of Formula E season one," said Pemut.