The Indonesian Embassy In The Philippines Receives 4 Indonesian Citizens Who Are Hostage By The Abu Sayyaf Terrorist Group

JAKARTA - The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Manila received 4 Indonesian citizens (WNI) victims of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group hostage, from the Philippine government at Camp Aquinaldo, Tuesday, March 23 evening.

Indonesian citizens who were all men, namely AK (30), AD (42), AR (26), and KR (14) were previously flown from Zamboanga to Manila on Sunday, March 21 using a special Philippine military aircraft, the Indonesian Embassy in Manila said.

The Indonesian citizens were handed over by the Commander of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Lieutenant General Cirilito Sobejana, who was accompanied by Lt. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar of the Philippine National Police (PNP), to the Chancellor of the Indonesian Embassy in Manila, Widya Rahmanto as representatives of the Indonesian government.

In his remarks, Lieutenant General Sobejana said that the success of this rescue could be achieved thanks to the assistance of the PNP and local governments in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.

Rescuing Indonesian citizens who were held hostage, he said, shows that with good efforts and cooperation, the Philippine government can tackle and prevent the spread of terrorism.

Meanwhile, as the representative of the Indonesian Embassy in Manila, Widya Rahmanto expressed his gratitude for the efforts of all parties involved and the good cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines, in efforts to save these Indonesian citizens.

According to Rahmanto, the success of this rescue was the result of the hard work of the Indonesian and Philippine governments.

AK, AD, and AR were rescued by Philippine security forces on Thursday, March 18 in South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi, while KR was rescued on Sunday, March 21 in Kalupag Island.

The Indonesian hostages were separated in the middle of the sea when the ship used by the Abu Sayyaf Group to carry hostages overturned due to sea waves while avoiding the pursuit of joint operations by Philippine officials.

By rescuing the four Indonesian citizens, all remaining Indonesian victims of the terrorist group hostage have been successfully freed.

The four Indonesian citizens are generally in good health and are currently being handled by the Indonesian Embassy in Manila while waiting for the preparation process to return to Indonesia.