Exclusive, FOZ General Chair Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, Zakat Helps Eradicate Poverty

As one of the Islamic laws, zakat has both vertical and horizontal dimensions. When managed properly, zakat funds can be a means to alleviate various problems faced by the community such as poverty. However, until now, said the General Chairperson of the Zakat Organization Forum (FOZ) Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, zakat is still managed partially, not yet collected so that it becomes something that has great power.


Zakat is obligatory for Muslims who have met the requirements, have met the minimum limit (nishab), and have owned their assets for one year (haul). After being collected, zakat is distributed to eight groups that have been designated as recipients, namely: the destitute, the poor, amil, converts, slaves, people in debt, people who strive in the way of Allah (fi sabilillah), and street children.

The problem in Indonesia is that there are so many institutions that collect zakat. Each institution has its own policy, therefore the management of zakat is still partial. In fact, if orchestrated, this is a very large potential. "Until now, there are around 700 zakat management institutions throughout Indonesia. The distribution of zakat organizations throughout Indonesia is also uneven. The challenge is how to orchestrate existing zakat institutions so that they become a movement that has great power. Zakat can help solve national problems such as poverty, social inequality, and so on," he said.

As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has a lot of potential in the field of zakat. In 2023, according to Wildhan, zakat funds collected IDR 30 trillion. From that fund, it has been distributed to 34 million people with various distribution schemes. "There are around 400 who can be lifted from the poverty line. If we refer to the data on poor people in Indonesia; more than 24 million people, this target is still very far away," he explained.

In the future, according to Wildhan, zakat officers are required to be trustworthy and professional. "Zakat aims to eradicate poverty. Currently, zakat collection is still scattered everywhere and is carried out by many zakat management institutions. In fact, if we can unite and collaborate, it will be more powerful in eradicating poverty in society. How a mustahik (zakat recipient) is trained, then becomes independent and can then become a muzakki (zakat payer)," said Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada to Edy Suherli, Bambang Eros, Irfan Meidianto, and Dandi Juniar when visiting the VOI office, in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta recently. Here is the full excerpt.

Currently, zakat management in Indonesia, said FOZ General Chair Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, is still partial. Each zakat management institution has its own policies. (Photo: Bambang Eros, DI: Raga Granada VOI)

FOZ has just held its 10th National Conference, what are the important points that were produced besides electing the general chairman?

The FOZ National Conference is a three-year event since 1997. According to the mandate of the Articles of Association/Bylaws, the term of office of the FOZ management must be replaced after three years of service. In this National Conference, we met and socialized and discussed the important agenda of zakat after going through a three-year term. We in this zakat association also made recommendations for the zakat agenda and evaluated the Articles of Association/Bylaws. The peak was the election of the General Chairperson and General Secretary of FOZ.

What important issues were produced by this National Conference?

We raised many issues, zakat directly intersects with the fundamental problems of the people in Indonesia and even the world. The challenge is how to make zakat one of the solutions to overcome existing problems. To get people out of trouble through the 8 asnaf zakat scheme. And also issues such as the quality of zakat management. We are also faced with the capacity of the existing zakat management institutions. And there are also issues related to the policy ecosystem and how zakat can help realize the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.

Zakat must prove itself as an instrument of development. We, the managers of zakat, want to contribute earnestly to help solve the nation's problems.

That's in general, can it be a little more detailed?

More specifically, it is on zakat managers or amil. We are faced with the first issue of competence, thank God in the last few years we have had an institution that produces well-designed and well-prepared zakat managers. I entered a zakat institution in 1999, there was no institution like this, I was self-taught. Thank God I got lost on the straight path, hehehe.

Over time, many people have looked at zakat. The presence of the government in zakat matters has also been more pronounced. So we can prepare more competent amil personnel because they have the competence.

Secondly, because what is managed is a sharia instrument (pillars of Islam), we are faced with the issue of integrity and attitude, how the amils ​​reflect good morals. Then there is also the issue of welfare, the amils ​​are indeed required to focus on the issue of zakat. In return, adequate salaries are needed for these amils ​​so that they are professional. Including the issue of the future career for the amils, it can provide a good career space. If not, the zakat sector will not be entered by the best talents from the nation's children. I think this is our shared homework.

Has FOZ adopted technology in receiving and distributing zakat?

Yes, how does the management system of the zakat receiving and distributing institutions have a good and strong system. Of course, adopting technology for the current era is a necessity. Although to realize it requires costs. The end result is an effective, accountable zakat institution that applies technology and is relevant to the needs of fellow amils.

When zakat managers unite and collaborate, said FOZ General Chair Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, zakat funds can be more empowered and become a great force. (Photo: Bambang Eros, DI: Raga Granada VOI)

Has collaboration between zakat management institutions occurred?

To date, there are around 700 zakat management institutions throughout Indonesia. This is the third point, the distribution of zakat organizations throughout Indonesia is also uneven. The challenge is how to orchestrate existing zakat institutions so that they become a movement that has great power. How can zakat help solve national problems such as poverty, social inequality, and so on.

From the Muslim population in Indonesia, is it recorded how many have muzakki status and how many have mustahik status?

To answer this question, we can reveal the potential for zakat funds. The potential for zakat funds is around IDR 30 trillion per year. From the funds collected, this can be felt by 34 million people with various distribution schemes. From that data, there are around 400 thousand who can be lifted from the poverty line. If we refer to the data on poor people in Indonesia, there are 24 million people, this target is still very far away.

For FOZ itself, how much zakat funds were collected in the past year?

In FOZ itself, there are almost IDR 3 trillion from 174 members. This figure has only been reported by 60% of our members, so there are still some who have not reported. We do need to collaborate to unite our strengths so that zakat can be maximally beneficial. Each zakat organization has weaknesses and strengths, how can we complement each other and cover the shortcomings of other parties. Yes, there needs to be orchestration to become something extraordinary. There are so many zakat management organizations that exist, it's time to unite and collaborate. I think this is a challenge that we must complete.

For zakat management institutions in FOZ, where do they distribute it, domestically or abroad?

Of the 174 members, each has its own mechanism for distributing the collected zakat. Most of our zakat funds are distributed domestically (80%). Some are distributed abroad (20%) such as Palestine. We hope that the conflict will end soon so that we can participate in distributing zakat in the long term; how we contribute to rebuilding the destroyed city of Gaza. Can build schools, hospitals, and other public facilities.

The discourse of productive zakat, is there any realization from FOZ and its members in distributing their zakat?

Zakat is indeed aimed at eradicating poverty. Currently, zakat collection is still scattered everywhere in many zakat management institutions. In fact, if all zakat management institutions can unite, collaborate, their strength will be greater in eradicating poverty in society. How can a mustahik be fostered, then independent and then become a muzakki. Like a broomstick, if he is alone he is weak, but if he is in a bond, he is very strong. We can be more productive and can eradicate the problem of poverty. The problem is, if the approach is not right, instead of eradicating poverty, it perpetuates poverty.

Zakat not only eradicates poverty, but also strengthens spiritually. So the mustahik are expected to be strong economically and spiritually. In the zakat institution that I lead, there is a development program in the economic and spiritual fields. So both go hand in hand. We can compare before and after being helped, whether there is a change or not.

In Islamic jurisprudence, there are 8 mustahik zakat, for the current era, are there any groups that are worthy of receiving but are not yet included in that category?

The eight groups have indeed been clearly discussed in Islamic jurisprudence, namely; the destitute, the poor, the amil, the converts, the slaves, the people in debt, the people who strive in the way of Allah (fi sabilillah), and street children. But for interpretation, of course, it will follow the development of the times. In the past there was a slave group, is there still one now? So this is what I said needs interpretation for the current era.

In order not to misdirect the distribution of zakat, what methods do FOZ and its members use?

We do make a protocol so that FOZ members have a guide in distributing zakat. Then they have an attitude in managing zakat. Because what is managed by friends is the trust of the muzakki, so it really must be maintained. There is a code of ethics for amil, so friends can know what is and is not allowed to be done. So the amil must be trustworthy and professional.

Has FOZ implemented the latest technology in collecting and distributing zakat?

Partially, some friends have implemented it. Adoption of the development of the digital world has been carried out. In many zakat management institutions, the growth of the digital sector is very encouraging. In the management of FOZ which has just been added regarding the adoption of this technology, there is a field of institutional strengthening in the aspects of compliance, governance, and technology adoption. In FOZ we have the Digi Zakat application, this is used by our team to manage and compile data.

What are your suggestions for the community to be diligent in paying zakat and the government to be present to provide facilities in managing zakat?

Zakat is a pillar of Islam that is not only related to the Almighty vertically, but also has implications for fellow human beings horizontally. If we look at history, the leader's siding with his people can be seen from how much the leader cares about collecting and distributing zakat. In the time of the caliph Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq, when there were people who refused to pay zakat, he sent troops to those people. The problem is when zakat is not distributed properly, there are mustahik rights that are blocked. This means that if the government can manage zakat well, many community problems can be resolved.

It should be noted that the first to benefit when zakat is paid is the muzakki, not other people. Allah will repay with an amount much greater than the zakat paid. That is the normative side. The implementative side is the spirit of mutual cooperation. Zakat is not easy, all parties from amil, government, banking, campuses, etc., must care. So far, literacy about zakat is still low, people remember the word zakat when they hear the word Ramadan. Collaboration is needed for all so that zakat can continue to develop.



Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada and the Idea of Consistent with Zakat

Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada did not expect his involvement in the world of zakat to be as far as it is now. (Photo: Bambang Eros, DI: Raga Granada VOI)

One's life path is indeed unpredictable. After completing his studies at SMAN 3 Bandung, Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada was accepted into the Aviation Department of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). However, after college, he was trapped in zakat management. He has been involved in zakat for almost a quarter of a century. His ambition is to take off in zakat matters.

“No one expected me to be able to handle zakat for more than 20 years. Maybe this is the way of life,” said Wildhan, who has been involved in zakat for 24 years and is approaching 25 years.

It all started when Wildhan finished his final assignment at his campus. “At that time, it was the 1998 reform era, the enthusiasm to serve the community was very high. I got the opportunity to work, I accepted the challenge of handling zakat. It turned out I enjoyed it, until now I am still in this world of zakat,” said the President Director of the Indonesian Zakat Initiative (IZI).

Any intention to return to the aviation industry? “Yes, but there are many factors beyond my control so I remain in this profession. Even to this day I am still handling zakat,” he continued.

As servants, Wildhan continued, we may plan and aspire, but Allah determines everything. “We just have to be happy with what I call this calling from heaven. "Hopefully what I choose will receive guidance from Allah," said the man who is continuing his studies in the National Resilience Program - Strategic Leadership Studies, UI Postgraduate Faculty (S2).

Many Challenges

An amil or zakat manager, said FOZ General Chair Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, is required to be trustworthy and professional. (Photo: Bambang Eros, DI: Raga Granada VOI)

Almost a quarter of a century involved in the issue of zakat, Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada truly feels the difference between when he first started studying zakat and now, which is already in touch with technology.

“Indeed, being a zakat manager is not an attractive profession. Khatibs also rarely call on people to pay zakat. There are not many books that discuss zakat issues. There are also no schools that specifically discuss zakat. So this is indeed very challenging,” said the man born on September 20, 1976.

Wildhan is very sure that the issue of zakat will develop along with the increasing awareness of the people to pay zakat as an obligation for Muslims. “I have followed the growth of zakat year after year. And in the future I am sure it will be even bigger. In the past we moved on the outskirts, now we have entered the palace level,” he said.

Zakat, Wildhan continued, has moved up a class. “Because of its great potential, we have discussed the distribution of zakat with state officials. So how do we make zakat help development,” continued Wildhan, who likes to read books.

Must Be Right On Target

Currently, said FOZ General Chair Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada, the adoption of technology in the acceptance and distribution of zakat is a necessity. (Photo: Bambang Eros, DI: Raga Granada VOI)

The science of designing aircraft has nothing to do with the world of zakat. However, Wildhan applies the principle of no mistakes when designing aircraft and applies it to the issue of zakat. In collecting and distributing zakat, there must be no mistakes and it must be right on target.

He disagrees with the trial and error method that is often used to try something new. "I agree more with the term trial and improve. Because I don't want there to be any errors in zakat management. Trying is okay, but it must be improved," he continued.

Wildhan is a perfectionist when it comes to launching a program. "Because I want a program that is presented to the community to be superior and of high quality. That is the principle that I brought from campus to zakat matters," said Wildhan who often watches Korean dramas with his beloved wife.

After almost 25 years of studying zakat, Wildhan almost never expected zakat management to be as advanced as it is today. "Because I have gone this far and navigated the world of zakat, it is difficult for me to return to the world of aviation. But the essence that I got in the world of aviation I can still apply. How to bring zakat flying high to a faraway place. Zakat can bring as many people as possible to reach their destination safely,” he explained.

One thing that Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada never forgets is asking for help from Allah SWT. “Managing zakat is not easy, you know. That’s why I need Allah’s help. I can’t possibly solve the problem without the help of the Almighty,” he said.

"The challenge is how to orchestrate the existing zakat institutions so that they become a movement that has great power. Zakat can help solve national problems such as poverty, social inequality, and so on,"

Wildhan Dewayana Rosyada