31 Passengers Of The Overturned Ship In The Waters Of Sanrobengi, South Sulawesi, Successfully Evacuated

The Makassar Search and Rescue Team (Basarnas) together with the Joint SAR managed to save as many as 31 people who were riding a Jolloro fishing boat (small boat) that capsized while traveling in the waters of Sanrobengi, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

"From our data we collect in the field, there are 31 passengers on board, including the captain who has been evacuated, according to the information from all passengers," said Head of the Makassar Basarnas Office Muhammad Arif Anwar, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 5.

He explained that from the passenger manifest it was not known for sure the identities of the names, but after all the victims were evacuated and collected and asked for direct information at Boddie Port, Galesong District, Takalar Regency, all were declared safe.

"From all the information that has been collected and it is concluded that the manifest is only 31 people and all of them have been evacuated, congratulations," he said.

Arif said, after being evacuated at the local pier, several victims who needed medical treatment were taken to the local Puskesmas and Takalar Hospital for treatment, the rest were picked up by the family.

For this incident, his party appealed to fishermen and ship owners to always pay attention to safety in sailing. Check the ship's capacity before sailing and do not allow overload while sailing.

"We are grateful that this accident did not cause any casualties, but hopefully in the future ship owners can pay attention to capacity and prioritize safety while sailing," said Arif stressed.

Previously, a Jolloro type boat carrying tourists from Sanrobengi Island to Boddia Village Port, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency was reported to have drowned in Takalar waters in Sunday (4/8/2024) afternoon.

"We received information on the sinking ship accident from Polair Takalar and immediately deployed Basarnas personnel to the scene," said Arif.

From the information received, the ship sailed from Sanrobengi to the port of Boddie Takalar. But in the middle of the trip, the ship was hit by high waves and then tilted before sinking.

Several passengers were immediately evacuated by another passing fishing boat. All passengers who were evacuated were taken to Boddie Harbor to equalize the number of previously unknown manifests. The fishing boat is thought to be overcapacity or exceeding the load.