Gatra Don't Close Ears: 3 Months Salary, BPJS Employment And Mandatory Employee Installation Completed

JAKARTA - The head of the Gatra Employees Union, Andhika Dinata, asked the management of PT Era Media Informasi (Gatra Media Group) not to cover their ears with the demands of all employees after the termination of employment (PHK). Gatra officially stopped operating on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.Employee demands after layoffs such as unpaid salaries per May, June, July 2024, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan which are in arrears for almost 26 months, nominal pairs, and contract employees who have not been registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan"Actually, we are tired too, so far we have never issued a statement of attitude outside, almost nothing. But before the end of Gatra's operation closing, we see that it is not clear (employee rights)," Andhika explained when contacted by VOI, Sunday, August 4.VOI has asked for confirmation from the President Director of PT Era Media Informasi (Gatra Media Group) Hendri Firzani via cellphone and WhatsApp. However, until this news was written, Hendri Firzani had not replied.Andhika said, before officially saying goodbye, the Gatra Employee Union, employees, had held several meetings with company management, representatives from holdings regarding rights that had to be fulfilled.At that time, management promised that before July 31, everything would be completed. Unfortunately, the promise is just a promise. Until now, employee rights have not been fulfilled.The funny thing is, continued Andhika, management said that salary delays will be paid at the same time with pairs."What makes us furious is that the May-July salary has not been paid yet. In May it has been paid but there are still some left. In June there are only a few, a quarter (from the nominal salary), then in July there has been no payment at all. Before the closing of the company's operations, the company had to pay employees. But the company came did not have sufficient cash flow, so the payment of salaries and remaining salaries coincided with the pairs. We criticize this! The pairing alone is not clear," said Dhika.The company argued that the loss was continuous and threatened with bankruptcy, thus making a severance pay payment policy using provisions of 0.5 times. Even though employees do not receive audit financial reports from the company, and there has been no court decision stating that the company is experiencing bankruptcy."The provision for severance pay of 0.5 does not have a strong legal basis," continued Dhika.The calculation of the number of employee severance pay also does not comply with the labor regulations. Components that the company should use as the basis for calculating severance pay are basic wages and all forms of allowances given to employees and their families, including transportation and food allowances. In the severance pay used by the company, the components of transportation and food are eliminated. This makes the severance pay received by employees smaller.Furthermore, the company uses the basis for calculating severance pay starting from the issuance of the decree on employee appointments. Whereas the working period should have started since the first day the employees started working."Then the BPJS Employment issue as of July 31. We did a check on BPJS, it turned out that it had not been paid, the management said it was the end of August 2024. The arrears lasted two years, or about 26 months. It's also not clear yet," said Dhika.
Not only that, according to Dhika, contract employees have not yet been registered with BPJS because of this arrears in payments. "Hopefully, complaints will be heard from the union. Because some meetings are not clear on these problems," added Dhika.