7 Illegal Drug Sellers Warung Kelontong Under The Guise Of A Cosmetics Shop In Pondok Aren Arrested

TANGERANG - A total of seven cases of illegal drug sales of grocery stores under the guise of cosmetics have been followed up by the Pondok Aren Police. In fact, the files have been transferred to the South Tangerang District Attorney (Kejari).

"For the period 26 September 2023-27 April 2024, there were seven cases handled. Three cases were transferred to Phase 2 and four cases Phase 1. All of them were subject to violations of the Health Law," said Pondok Aren Police Chief, Kompol Bambang Askar Sodiq in his statement, Sunday, August 4.

On his occasion, Bambang said that his party was seriously following up on drug trafficking. Moreover, grocery stores under the guise of cosmetics selling class G drugs.

Therefore, he conducted socialization in a number of jurisdictions of the Pondok Aren Police. The goal is to prevent similar cases in the area.

He also asked people who suspect a place or grocery store that turns out to sell illegal drugs to immediately report to his party, for further action.

"People please inform the presence of drug stores in Pondok Aren's jurisdiction accompanied by data and facts," he concluded.