PMK Minister: Corn Rice Can Be A Free Lunch Menu Choice

PONOROGO - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said corn rice could be an option for menu staples in the free lunch program initiated by the elected presidential-vice presidential pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"Because this free lunch program should provide generational education about food diversification," said Muhadjir, after the 212 Hybrid corn harvest, in Prayungan Village, Sawoo District, Ponorogo, East Java, Saturday.

According to him, carbohydrates are not only found in rice. However, many food sources have carbohydrates and are not inferior to rice.

"It is better if this free meal should provide generational education about food diversification," he also said.

Muhadjir promised that he would submit the concept of a free lunch with this choice of corn rice to the elected president to properly strive for local resources.

"Sayur from local farmers is rotated. Also the need for protein is obtained from farmers around existing schools," he also said.

For example, eggs cost Rp. 25 thousand per kilogram of contents 17. If divided, it means that the discovery does not reach Rp. 2 thousand per child. Then the rice is Rp. 15 thousand per kilogram. One kilogram of rice can be used for 12 children," he said again.

"Later, we will add vegetables, vitamins, and others. We will definitely not meet high," said Muhadjir.