Adding Road Access, City Government Of Parepare To Build Twin Bridges Of Sumpang Minangae

PAREPARE - The Mayor of Parepare, Taufan Pawe, plans to increase road access for people in South Sulawesi Province. One of them is by building twin bridges at Sumpang Minangae.

Taufan Pawe explained that the main access to the Trans Sulawesi route at Parepare Jalan Bau Massepe, precisely at the Sumpang Minangae bridge, was very inadequate. Given the many motorists who traffic on these paths.

"The Sumpang Minangae Bridge is now 43 years old. It is very narrow with only 7 meters wide so it often gets jammed. Of course, this is very disturbing for us. Especially disturbing the South Sulawesi economy in general", said Taufan Pawe in his written statement, Tuesday, March 23.

The plan to build a twin bridge in Sumpang Minangae has been auctioned through the Parepare City Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE). The value of the ceiling is budgeted at IDR 991 million for the 2021 Regional Budget (APBD).

The bridge, which is planned to begin construction in 2021, is also projected to be able to support the operation of the large train station in Lumpue. With an estimate of the planned bridge length, it is around 125 meters.

"Access roads and bridges also support the existence of one of the planned railroad terminals. So this development is very strategic for South Sulawesi", he said.

Taufan Pawe added that the construction of access roads and twin bridges will provide facilities for regional and provincial communities. "I really want the city of Parepare to be part of the forefront of South Sulawesi. Not only the city of Makassar".