OJK Orders Banks To Block Accounts Indicated For Online Gambling

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to make various efforts to support the eradication of online gambling in Indonesia, including by ordering banks to block accounts indicated by online gambling. "OJK efforts have been made, among others, ordering banks to block more than 6,000 accounts indicated related to online gambling transactions," said OJK Banking Supervision Chief Executive Dian Ediana Rae in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 2. Dian said OJK also asked banks to conduct an Enhance Due Diligence (EDD) on customers who were indicated for online gambling transactions and reported the transaction as suspicious financial transactions to PPATK. If from the results of EDD it is proven that customers committed serious violations related to online gambling, banks can limit and even eliminate access for these customers to open accounts in banks (blacklisting).

OJK together with banks continue to strive to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering program, Prevention of Terrorism Financing, and Prevention of Funding for Mass Eradication Weapons Proliferation (APU, PPT and PPPSPM). OJK continues to monitor banking efforts to respond to challenges in eradicating online gambling through strengthening the work unit function of APU, PPT and PPSPM as well as Anti-Fraud work units, intensify efforts to minimize the occurrence of account buying and selling practices, as well as optimize the use of information technology in identifying economic crimes including online gambling. Furthermore, banks have made various efforts to minimize the use of bank accounts related to online gambling transactions, among others by following up on OJK requests to carry out account blocking, overcoming account buying and selling practices, adjusting transaction parameters so that they can capture transactions in small nominally as many occurs in online gambling transactions which can start from a nominal value of IDR 10,000.

Banking also conducts web browsing and coordinates with the Ministry of Communication and Information to close online gambling websites, as well as monitor cross-border transaction activities.

OJK beserta 35 Kantor OJK yang berlokasi di seluruh Tanah Air telah melakukan kampanye masif tentang pencucian uang bekerja sama dengan perbankan dan pihak terkait.OJK memandang bahwa edukasi publik terkait dengan judi online perlu terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya judi online bagi masyarakat.

OJK has also coordinated with banking leaders to emphasize management's commitment to eradicating online gambling both internally and externally. Online gambling must be carried out jointly by law enforcement officials and related ministries/agencies. OJK as part of the Online Gambling Task Force will continue to coordinate with the Regulatory Supervisory Agency (LPP) and other ministries/agencies including to respond to the use of payment system channels for online gambling in order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of APU, PPT and PPSPM programs.