Similar To Japan, Kominfo Will Launch Early Warning System Disaster Directly On TV

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology through the Directorate of Wide Band Development from the Directorate General of Post and Information Administration (DJPPI) is developing an early Warning System in Indonesia.

So, if previously the Indonesian people only received warnings via SMS blast, later with this system, the public will get information about disaster early warnings through live television broadcasts on digital TV.

"So the early warning system will be developed along with digital TV, so the early warning will be developed not only through SMS blasts, but also through digital TV," said Director of Wide Band Development, Marvels Parsaoran Situmorang on Friday, August 2.

The EWS which is currently being developed in Indonesia, the way it works will be similar to the one in Japan. Where if a disaster occurs, Japanese TV which is on standby will immediately broadcast an early warning.

In addition, Marvels also revealed that they have received a grant from Japan in the form of a Disaster Prevention Information System (DPIS), a sub-system that will assist the government in developing EWS on digital TV in Indonesia.

"So later the information will go to the MUX organizers, there is TVRI, there is MNC group, there is SCTV group and so on. So television will receive the information in accordance with areas that have potential impact," he added.

Currently, Kominfo is still in the testing phase. However, the plan is that EWS on digital TV will be launched between the second week or the third week of September 2024.

"So since we have analogized the switch off, we or the Directorate of Standardization at the Directorate General of PPI have required that the set of top boxes that pass the certification must have an early warning system feature, so that people who install a set top box on their tvs if the tv is not yet digital TV, that's when the MUX organizers convey the message, the tv is ready to accept it because it has this feature," explained Marvels.