Kemenkop UKM Calls Adaptive Ability To Help Business Actors To Advance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs continues to encourage the adaptive ability of micro-enterprises to be able to advance and advance to class.

Assistant Deputy for Micro Business Protection and Ease of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia Muhammad Firdaus said that MSMEs, including micro-enterprises, are required to continue to adapt so that they can play their business strategies more flexibly so that they can survive business competition in the era of digital disruption with business formalization.

"We have made various efforts to help micro-enterprises advance to class, by building Access to Ease of Micro Enterprises through the Hexahelix Synergy Model for micro-enterprises, one of which is through the MicroEx Challenge program," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 2.

He said that his party really appreciates the appreciation of those who have been willing to train a number of micro business assistants regarding the use of digital platforms, so that these mentors can help improve micro-enterprises in the era of technology.

"With the spirit of collaboration, jointly empowering MSMEs while improving the Indonesian economy," said Firdaus.

This program provides a complete understanding to mentors about assistance in business licensing, product certification, and the use of digital platforms in doing business, so that later they can assist micro-enterprises to apply licensing compliance and carry out escalation and business expansion in the digital era.

The program has been implemented since June 2024, with pilot projects in five provinces, namely South Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Sumatra.

Overall, there are already 400 mentors who have participated in this program. One mentor can accompany at least 50 micro businesses..

He said the synergy between Tokopedia and the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs through the MicroEx Challenge is in line with the government's target to digitize 30 million MSMEs by 2024.