PM Anwar Opens Again Cases Of Witnesses Died After Being Examined By The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency

JAKARTA - Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) Anwar Ibrahim said the government has reopened an investigation into the death of a witness in a corruption case in the neighboring country named Teoh Beng Hock.

The PM ensured that the new investigation would be carried out transparently, fulfilling elements of justice and being free from external interference.

"I have heard complaints and requests from the family [Teoh Beng Hock]. I have followed this case closely for a long time, and have understood the prolonged struggle of the family to get justice for the deceased," the PM said in a Facebook post on Thursday, August 1, quoted by The Sun Daily.

Previously, PM met with Teoh's family in Putrajaya. PM met Teoh's parents, Teng Shuw Hoi and Teoh Leong Hwee, including his son Teoh Er Jia, and his brother Teoh Lee Lan.

He said the officers investigating the case would also consider the findings of the Court of Appeal on September 5, 2014.

"I affirm the government's decision to ask the police to reopen the investigation into the death of the late Beng Hock," he continued.

Teoh Beng Hock was found dead on the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam, Malaysia on July 16, 2009.

He was found dead after giving testimony at the office of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). The MAC office located on the 14th floor in the same building, Teoh, was found dead.

In 2011, Malaysia's Royal Research Commission (RCI) concluded the death of Teoh due to suicide. The conclusion is based on an investigation conducted by MACC.