Police Examine 5 Korek Witnesses For The Cause Of The South Sumatra OKU Regent's Office Fire

SOUTH SUMATRA - Ogan Komering Ulu Police (OKU) in South Sumatra (Sumsel) examined five witnesses related to the OKU Regent's Office fire.

The examination was carried out to reveal the cause of the fire that occurred on Monday, July 15 at around 21.00 WIB.

"A total of five witnesses have been examined to gather further information," said OKU Police Chief AKBP Imam Zamroni in Baturaja, OKU, Thursday, August 1, confiscated by Antara.

The witnesses who were questioned started from two members of the Satpol PP who were on duty at night, two OKU Regency Government staff and other witnesses.

The police chief emphasized that the investigation into the fire is still ongoing and the authorities hope to find a bright spot for the cause of the incident that scorched the Regent's office.

The OKU Police are currently still waiting for the results of an official investigation from the ash sample laboratory test by the South Sumatra Police Forensic Laboratory Team (Labfor) which was taken at the crime scene (TKP) some time ago.

"The official results from the Labfor team are still awaited, and this analysis process is estimated to take about two weeks to one month," he said.

The police chief added that the information received temporarily from the South Sumatra Police Labfor Team was only limited to items that were secured from the crime scene.

These items include fibered cables on the walls and screening at several fire locations.

"The fibered and screening cables have been secured from the crime scene, but the exact cause of the fire is still waiting for the results of further investigations," he said.