Wakapolda Kaltara Attends Activities To Accelerate Self-Sufficiency In Rice In Bulungan

In an effort to support national food security, North Kalimantan Deputy Chief of Police, Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi attended activities to accelerate the achievement of rice self-sufficiency as well as the expansion movement of planting areas and increased rice production in Sekang Hamlet, Antanutan Village, Tanjung Palas District, Bulungan Regency.

This event was held as a strategic step to ensure food security in North Kalimantan and support national food self-sufficiency.

During the event, Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi stated that the acceleration of self-sufficiency in rice in North Kalimantan was a crucial step.

"We fully support the government's efforts to expand the planting area and increase rice production. This is part of our commitment to make North Kalimantan a rice barn that is able to meet regional needs and contribute to national food self-sufficiency," he said, Thursday, August 1.

The Kaltara Provincial Government has prepared a number of steps to achieve food self-sufficiency goals.

First, an expansion of the planting area will be carried out by identifying potential land and converting non-productive land into agricultural land.

This aims to increase the area of land that can be planted with rice.

Second, increasing productivity will be done by using superior seeds that are resistant to pests and diseases and implementing modern agricultural technology.

Technology such as efficient irrigation systems and advanced agricultural tools are expected to increase crop yields.

In addition, training for farmers on good rice cultivation techniques, the use of agricultural technology, and efficient agricultural management will also be provided.

Agriculture infrastructure support such as improving access roads to agricultural land, irrigation, and crop storage facilities is also a priority.

Access to financing for farmers will be facilitated through agricultural loans with low interest rates or assistance programs from the government.

Cooperation with agricultural research institutions, universities, and the private sector will also be improved for research and development of superior rice varieties as well as agricultural technology.

Routine supervision and evaluation will be carried out to ensure that the program implemented runs according to plan and achieves the desired target.