Cigarettes No Longer Sold Centrally, Commission IX Asks Street Vendors To Be Given Space

Commission IX highlighted the ban on the sale of central cigarettes in Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 which was recently signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Meanwhile, PP 28/2024 is a derivative rule of the Health Law Number 17 of 2023 where the prohibition on the sale of Central cigarettes is regulated in Article 434 paragraph 1c. In addition to aiming to reduce cigarette consumption as an addictive substance in the community, this rule is also intended as an effort to suppress the prevalence of child smokers.

"This rule is the government's domain and we believe it has gone through a procedure for breastfeeding involving the community, we respect it," said Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Rahmad Handoyo, Wednesday, July 31.

Rahmad explained that the state has an obligation to protect public health.

"But it is also important before implementing this ban, the Government conducts broad and intensive public campaigns to increase public awareness about the dangers of smoking," he said.

On the other hand, Rahmad understands that state policies cannot please all parties. This rule is considered to be detrimental to the lower class of people, and small business actors.

"Small traders can still sell. This means that the industry is still given space because there are labor-intensive companies, such as farmers, there is also a family sphere," said Rahmad.

The legislator from the Central Java V electoral district also emphasized the importance of the Government to continue to pay attention to small business actors who have been selling cigarettes in percentage or retail. Rahmad emphasized that this rule does not mean turning off people's businesses.

"The hawkers and street vendors (PKL), small stalls, we encourage the Government to continue to provide space, so that they continue to grow," he explained.

"So we encourage the Government to provide a wise space in supervising this PP. Do it by humane means and provide assistance," continued Rahmad.

The Commission in the DPR in charge of health and labor affairs also reminded that supervision should be carried out optimally. In particular, said Rahmad, in terms of the rules for limiting cigarette sellers near school locations.

"Because the potential for violations remains large, so it is necessary to pay close attention to the supervision, it must be extra," he said.

In PP 28/2024, the Government also regulates the production and import of tobacco products, and the prohibition of cigarette advertisements. The regulation was also made, including optimizing the increase in cigarette excise rates.

"This is our common concern. Enforcement of violations of these things must be the focus," concluded Rahmad.