Learn To Maintain Dental And Oral Health Through Fun Playgrounds

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018, there are still 93% of Indonesian children experiencing tooth caries or cavities. Gigiries are a tooth disease caused by infection caused by bacteria and are irreversible (cannot return).

So it is very important to shape the habit of children taking care of their teeth and mouths. Children must be educated to care about the health of their teeth and mouths, because the quality of healthy teeth and mouth will affect their growth and development in the future.

Unfortunately, providing education about the importance of dental and oral health to children is not easy, it takes a creative and fun way. As Formula Junior does in collaboration with the Minitopia playground to create educational methods for children that are packaged in a series of interactive games.

The playground, according to the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association (APPBI), is one of the favorite destinations for mall visitors. Meanwhile, visitors to post-Covid-19 malls reached 90%. Along with the dynamics of the number of APPBI members from 326 to almost 400.

Therefore, Formula Junior, a oral care product made by PT Ultra Prima Abadi, OT Group, sees this opportunity to educate the health of teeth and mouth in an exciting and fun way. Through collaboration with Minitopia, a playground that carries the concept of sensory, motor, and visual games that can help children explore and learn and play safely.

Located in theplayground area of Minitopia, Neo Soho Mall Jakarta, Formula Junior held an exciting game full of challenges with the theme ama Bye Kuman which was attended by dozens of children who were visitors to Minitopia at the time.

Learning while playing is an effective method to impact positive messages to children. Through ride games Grave-Muman children are challenged to complete a series of games. At each stage their game interacts with things about the health of teeth and mouth. Such as brushing teeth properly and simulated against dental germs. This game is in the form of physical activities that involve sensory, motor and visual aspects of children," said Harianus Zebua, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communication OT Group (Formula Oral Care) through a press release received Wednesday, July 31.

Also present at the event was Faizzah Ijtihadyah, a Dental Expert from Jakarta, who gave an explanation of the importance of paying attention to the health of teeth and mouth from an early age.

I share my secrets with the children in Minitopia, who have successfully completed the game tantanang Business Kuman, how to have strong and healthy teeth. First, diligently brush your teeth twice a day and change your toothbrush every three months. Second, brush your teeth in the right way. Third, use brushes and toothpaste according to age, and should use toothpaste with System Protective Layer (SPL) technology. Fourth, control every six months to dentists. Fifth restricts drinks and sweets and acids," Papar Faizzah.

In addition to using interactive games, there are also using cute characters to convey messages about the health of teeth and mouth to children. The world of children is full of imagination, so we use a number of imaginary characters in the form of dinosaur and periodic figures. There are Terro, Cera, Brody, Rexie, Stella and▁peri Ellie. These characters help convey messages in the form of story telling so that children are not easily bored and more easily digesting things about the health of teeth and mouth," concluded Harianus.