Singapore Signs Nuclear Cooperation With US, Pursues 2050 Net Zero Emission Target

JAKARTA - Singapore signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States (US) today, Wednesday, July 31.

"This 123 agreement" was signed in Singapore by Singapore's Foreign Minister, Vivian Baskrishnan and US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken.

Citing Chanel News Asia, with this agreement Singapore allows to learn more about US nuclear energy technology and expertise.

The agreement also describes a comprehensive framework for cooperation based on US and Singapore's commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and is in line with the highest international safety and security standards.

Through this agreement, the two countries intend to better understand how advanced nuclear energy technology, including small modular reactors, can support climate goals while meeting energy needs.

While Singapore has not made any decisions regarding the use of nuclear energy, it will support Singapore's efforts to understand and evaluate any viable options if they appear, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment (MSE) said.

According to the two ministries, Singapore is studying all potential ways that can be done to achieve a net zero emission target by 2050 while maintaining energy security and cost competitiveness.

"Every use decision will require a detailed study of safety, reliability, affordability, and environmental sustainability of nuclear energy in our local context," said MTI and MSE.

Blinken visited Singapore as part of an 11-day visit to Southeast Asia from July 30 to July 31.