PLN Indonesia Power Electricity Production Skyrockets To Reach 84.57 TWh In 2023

JAKARTA - PLN Indonesia Power recorded electricity production of 84,572 Gigawatt hour (GWh) throughout 2023. This achievement exceeded the electricity production target of 78,735 GWh for 2023.

The electricity production score was also followed by sales of 79,989 GWh of electricity throughout 2023, exceeding the company's target of 74,404 GWh.

President Director of PLN Indonesia Power Edwin Nugraha Putra said that the operational performance of the generation at PLN Indonesia Power will continue to increase in 2023, with the achievement of the Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR) for PLTU Outer Java Bali generation realization 13.44 percent of the target of 14.94 percent with the achievement of 110 percent. This indicates that electricity disruption can be significantly suppressed.

"The realization of the suppression of electricity disturbances is far beyond the target. We can see from the EFOR value of the Java-Bali Non-PLTU Generation with a realization of 0.77 percent of the target of 0.94 percent of the achievement of 118 percent," explained Edwin.

Edwin said, throughout 2023, PLN Indonesia Power was able to produce electricity from clean energy of 10,175.63 GWh. This net electricity production was contributed by several EBT plants with water, geothermal, biofame and biomass energy sources. The largest electricity production was contributed by 5,299.15 GWh of hydropower sources.

"The operation of this EBT plant is proof of PLN Indonesia Power's commitment to responding to climate change so that the net zero emissions target in 2060 or sooner can be realized," said Edwin.

It is noted that PLN Indonesia Power is capable of producing 509.8 GWh of clean electricity, exceeding the company's target of 252 GWh from the PLTU co-firing program.

"As a subholding Generation Company, PLN Indonesia Power continues to encourage optimization and efficiency of performance in the generating sector. We are committed to ensuring electricity supply reaches the community without any disturbances," concluded Edwin.