Gibran Fully Supports Faldo Maldini Maju In The 2024 Tangerang Pilwalkot

TANGERANG - Elected Vice President (Vice President) Gibran Rakabumbing Raka confirmed that he would oversee the candidate (Bacalon) Mayor of Tangerang Faldo Maldini.

"Later, we will definitely continue to guard Faldo for Tangerang," Gibran told reporters in the Babakan area, Tangerang District, Tangerang City, Tuesday, July 31.

Meanwhile, Faldo said that if he was introducing himself to the public, he claimed to have done blusukan in a month 15 times.

"Oh, it's been a lot, it's been a lot of 1 month, it's 15 points per day," he said.

For information, Gibran carried out blusukan in the Tangerang City area with his wife, Selvi Ananda.

Not only that, he was also accompanied by PSI politicians, Faldo Maldini and Nita Gunawa program celebrities were also present at the blusukan.

Gibran, who distributed milk and notebooks, Faldo Maldini's team also provided a sticker with a picture of the PSI politician.