Supporting Mothers Of Rizieq Shihab Were Angry When They Were Disbanded, The Police Said They Were Angry At Home

JAKARTA - The police dispersed supporters of Rizieq Shihab who chose to stay around the area of the East Jakarta District Court. The disbandment was carried out because the women were clustered so that there was a potential for the spread of COVID-19.

Based on VOI's monitoring, the police asked the mothers of Riziq Shihab's supporters to disperse. But some of them had refused, resulting in an argument.

In fact, one of the mothers who appeared to be wearing a black head scarf got angry at the police. The police who were on top of the car using loudspeakers tried to calm him down.

"Mother, don't be rude when you're at home," said a policeman.

However, the mothers ignored the appeal. The police again asked him to disperse. The police said they would take firm action if the appeal was not heeded.

"If you do not want to be taken to the police station. We have already appealed, we have socialized the crowd of mothers to create clusters. If you don't want to, we will take them to the East Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

"There was a criminal threat threatening the officers of Article 212 of the Criminal Code," he continued

With these tough and emotional negotiations, Rizieq's supporters finally disbanded.

The plan for Rizieq Shihab's trial today is related to the Petamburan crowd case and the UMMI Bogor Hospital swab test case. The attorney ensures that he will not read the exception in the courtroom. The objection note has been sent to the East Jakarta District Court.