In Front Of The AHY Office, Environmental Activists Protest That There Is A Land Published Serifikat In The Protected Forest

JAKARTA A number of environmental activists held speeches in front of the office of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 30. They protested, rejecting the existence of land certificates in the Lindung Forest Area in Langkema Village, South Kabaena District, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

The activists from the Forestry Study Circle (LINK Sultra) suspected that there was a seizure and changed the function of the Forest Area by issuing the certificate.

"So it is indeed a point from this case, first that in protected forest areas there are many land certificates. Now according to the rules that land certificates cannot be issued in forest areas, it is clear from several rules, including the rules regarding the 1960 Agrarian Law," said the General Chairperson of LINK Sultra, Muh Andriansyah Husen, Tuesday, July 30.

"And Likewise in the Forestry Law, it is strictly prohibited if a person or group or company is included in a forest area, especially a protected forest area, to integrate, damage individually and the group is strictly prohibited by Law 41 of 1999," he continued.

According to him, if the case is not followed up seriously, more and more protected forests will be damaged.

"This is what we bring, why if we don't follow up, there will be more cases like this in several other areas, so we ask for responses from some of the ministries to stop, eradicate the land mafia," he said.

Not only held at the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Andriansyah revealed that a similar action was held at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

There were three calls for this demonstration, first urging the Indonesian Attorney General's Office to immediately summon and examine the Head of the Bombana Regency National Land Agency and the elements involved.

Second, ask the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to immediately process PT TJA which is suspected of being the perpetrator of vandalism and seizure and change the function of the Protected Forest Area and stop all hauling road activities in protected forests in Langkema Village, South Kabaena District.

Third, urge the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) to cancel all Land Certificates in the Forest Area.

"So today's first action we visited the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, thank God the response from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry was a good support, they will have an official report regarding the problem of the results of the analysis and investigation. Later on Monday the report is official," said Andriansyah.

"Then the second, in the current place we travel to ATR/BPN, and the results are also Alhamdulillah, they ask to enter the complaint report officially, and they will follow up as well," he explained.

"As a result, from some of the two places we have gone through, we have received a very good response, meaning that we are waiting for the performance of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and ATR/BPN, hopefully, the cases that we bring can be followed up and can be made clearer progress," he continued.