Brimob Vs Polantas, Kompolnas Letters To The Maluku Police Chief And Gives 5 Notes

JAKARTA - A member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) sent a letter to the Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Eddy Sumitro regarding the gun battle between the Maluku Police Mobile Brigade and the Traffic Police on Sunday, July 28.

"Yesterday, I sent a clarification letter to the Maluku Regional Police asking the cause of the clashes, what the impact of the clashes, and how the Maluku Regional Police were able to restore conditions," said Kompolnas member Poengky Indarti when confirmed, Tuesday, July 30.

Kompolnas also gave five notes to the Maluku Regional Police regarding the incident. He considered that the Maluku Police should apologize to the people of Maluku for the gun battle that occurred.

"The leadership must apologize to the public for the trouble made by its members," he said.

The second note, continued Poengky, the members must be reminded not to give rise to sectoral ego attitudes. According to him, sectoral egos damage cooperation between work units in the National Police.

"Brimob is part of the National Police, so it is not true that Brimob is considered not part of the Police," he said.

Third note, if the incident was caused by a spirit of solidarity that was misinterpreted. Then, the 4th note, which is related to the cause of the gun battle that needs to be revealed.

"Fifth, all of the perpetrators must be examined and prosecuted, including direct superiors who fail to monitor their members, so that there is a deterrent effect and similar incidents will not happen again," he said.

The gun battle took place on Jalan Gajah Mada, Tual City, Maluku Province, Sunday night. In addition to causing damage to the Tual Police office due to being hit by bullets, two members were also reported to have been injured.

The commotion between the police was recorded by residents and circulated widely on WhatsApp groups. In the video footage, it appears that a number of officers from the police are wearing full uniforms and weapons running towards a location.

At the same time, repeated gunshots were heard. There were also several people wearing black and brown uniforms.