Claresta Taufan Challenged To Be A Mother Who Has Children In The Film Sakaratul Maut

JAKARTA - Claresta Taufan is trusted to be the main character in the latest horror film produced by Rapi Films with Sky Media, Legacy Pictures and Rhaya Flicks entitled Sakaratul Maut.

In this film, Claresta plays Indah who is a woman with one child. For her, this is a challenging character because she has never had this role before.

"This is actually a character that for me personally is very challenging because I'm here for the first time to get a mother character and have children," said Claresta Taufan in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 30.

Despite being challenging, Claresta said that there are lessons that he takes where he can feel that he is in a mother position who is willing to sacrifice for his child.

"Then also from this Indah character, Claresta himself learned a lot, it turns out that she is a mother, whatever is done for the safety of her child even though her own life must be at stake," he explained.

Not only living a character as a mother, Claresta also had to undergo an action scene with Retno played by Indah Permatasari.

He said that he didn't get much time to practice so he really just practiced the choreography of the action scene on the same day as filming the film.

"And for the action itself, I didn't have time to practice, so actually on D day I wanted to shoot in the afternoon, I thought it was just training for the scene," he said.