KKP: PNBP Sea Space Management Reaches IDR 325 Billion Until July 26, 2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) reported that Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the marine management sector reached IDR 325 billion as of July 26, 2024. This figure has reached 45.89 percent of the target of IDR 708.3 billion by 2024.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Marine Management and Space of the KKP Kusdiantoro said that the PNBP achievement was mostly obtained from 90 percent of Marine and Marine Spatial Management Permits (PKRL).

"We have 21 types of licensing. So, 20 permits are business and 1 licensing is basic. Now, this is what encourages our PNBP increase," said Kusdiantoro at a press conference related to the performance of KKP Semester I-2024 in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 30.

Kusdiantoro claims that PNBP in this sector has continued to increase since 2018.

In fact, he said, the PNBP achievement last year had exceeded the target of up to 212 percent or Rp707.07 billion from the set target of Rp33.17 billion.

"So, judging from the budget, our PNBP is greater than the budget we use, up to a surplus. Because our budget is Rp. 400 billion, the realization of PNBP is Rp. 700 billion," he said.

He is optimistic that this year's PNBP target will also achieve the target. Kusdiantoro said various efforts had been made, including in improving services to regulations to increase the amount of state revenue.

"Usually September or October will run fast (PNBP). There are also several companies that ask for dispensation for payment delays," he said.