Agam Residents Disappear After Entering The Bird Shooting Forest, 80 SAR Members Deployed

JAKARTA - The joint SAR team conducted a search for Umar (35), a resident of Sungai Landi, Ampek Koto District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) who had been missing while shooting birds in the forest since Friday 26 July. "There are about 80 people looking for Umar's whereabouts on Monday (29 July)," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Agam Ikhwan Pratama Nanda in Lubuk Basung, Agam, Monday, July 29, quoted by Antara. Search focused on tracing the missing victim's point on Sunday, July 28. The search was carried out today after the result was nil yesterday. He added that the victim, who had just returned from overseas, was invited to shoot a bird by his friends. Three days later, Friday 26 July at around 11.00 WIB, the victim went alone looking for birds while looking for his brother's livestock. Arriving at his brother's garden, the victim made coffee and turned on music. At 17.30 WIB, the victim's brother went to the garden and saw the victim's coffee in hot condition.

The victim's brother tried to call him and there was no answer. Then the victim's brother came home at around 18.30 WIB and reported the incident to the residents.

Jorong dan masyarakat mencoba mencari korban dan tidak kunjung ditemukan, sehingga wali jorong melaporkan kejadian itu ke BKSDA Sumbar."Kita mendapatkan laporan korban hilang pada Sabtu (27 Juli) dan langsung menurunkan Satgas BPBD Agam untuk mencari korban," tandasnya.

The joint SAR team that conducted the search for this operation was from BPBD Agam, Basarnas, Kodim 0304 Agam, sub-district, nagari or traditional village, Sungai Landia Disaster Preparedness Group (KSB), KSB Balingka, KSB Koto Tuo and the community.