Hamas Invites To Commemorate August 3 As Support Day For Gaza Palestine

JAKARTA - The head of the political bureau of the Palestinian struggle group, Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh called for August 3 to be declared a day of international support for Palestinian prisoners and Gaza.

Haniyeh called for active and broad participation from the community in defending prisoners and the people in the Gaza Strip.

He also called on the public to humiliate the barbaric crimes of the invaders against the Gazan people and defend their rights and their issues.

Haniyeh explained that the stipulation of August 3 as a day of solidarity with Gaza and the detainees was a response to the genocide carried out by "the Nazi-Zionist population" against the Gazan people, which is still happening and entering its 10th month.

The determination also responds to the high number of prisoners killed in prisons and Israeli detention centers, which have never happened before.

"This call arises because the world is silent and unable to stop an aggressive war against our people and detainees as well as the bias, full support and partnership of the US government in this aggression and the failure of human rights and humanitarian institutions to take responsibility for providing support and assistance to our people in Gaza and our prisoners in the prison of the enemy of Zionists," said Haniyeh, quoted from Antara via IRNA, Monday, July 29.

He hopes that August 3 will be an influential and important day throughout Palestine and the Arab world.

Haniyeh also stressed the importance and need of active participation of Palestinians, the Arab world, Muslims and the rest of the world to force the occupation regime to stop the war.

Previously, a Hebrew newspaper published a document sent by an Israeli intelligence agency that stated that the number of Palestinian prisoners reached 21,000 people.