LSI: Highest Ijeck Electability As North Sumatra Cawagub

JAKARTA - The results of a recent survey from the Indonesian Survey Institute show that the former Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Musa Rajekshah (Ijeck) has the highest electability as a candidate for deputy governor of North Sumatra with 37.9 percent.

"What is considered the best candidate for deputy according to the people of North Sumatra is ijeck. Ijeck, who has served as deputy governor and has been the governor's official, if I'm not mistaken, while others are still quite far apart from Ijeck," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan when describing the release of the survey online monitored in Jakarta, Sunday.

Based on the semi-open simulation of 20 names, Djayadi said the Regent of North Tapanuli Nikson Nababan was in second place with the highest electability as a candidate for the North Sumatran cawagub with an achievement of 8.6 percent.

Then the third place is the Chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the NasDem Party, Prananda Surya Paloh, with an electability of 6.1 percent. The names of other gubernatorial candidates are below 5 percent.

In the simulation of the eight names, the top three positions of the highest electability for the North Sumatran cawagub were still filled with the same order, namely Ijeck (44.5 percent), Nikson Nababan (12.3 percent), and Prananda Surya Paloh (7.3 percent).

The LSI survey on July 7 to 17, 2024 was conducted with a survey population consisting of Indonesian citizens in North Sumatra Province who have the right to vote in elections, namely those aged 17 years or older, or are married when the survey takes place.

Sampling using the multistage random sampling method which was attended by 800 respondents. Face-to-face interviews with a margin of error of approximately 3.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.