DLH DKI Jakarta Add Two Water Fog Cars To Suppress Air Pollution

JAKARTA - The DKI Environment Agency has added two waterstrict cars (watermist) as an effort to suppress air pollution in Jakarta. "There are two units of 'watermist' cars in 2024," said the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency (DLH), Asep Kuswanto in the East Flood Canal, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday 27 July. Asep said that later the car will operate around Jakarta to continue watering activities on protocol roads. This car has the capability with a range of 50 meters and a water tank capacity of 5,000 liters. The policy related to the operation of this "watermist" will be included in the draft arrangement of governor regulations to be stronger in regulation. "In the future, for the 'waterstimist' policy we will try to be strengthened by the governor's regulations," he said. In addition to the "waterist" car, DLH DKI will also add four units of Air Quality Monitoring Stations (SPKU) so that a total of 18 SPKU units in 2024. Then, Asep also introduced a new page so that people can freely monitor air quality in Jakarta. "The DKI Provincial Government has a new air page.jakarta.go.id where all Jakarta people can see air quality and weather conditions," he said. It is hoped that the page will be able to become information to the public who will be active in the time displayed.

Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta mengintensifkan penyiraman jalan-jalan protokol dan memperbanyak pemasangan generator kabut air (watermist generator) dalam upaya menekan polusi udara yang masih tinggi.Pemakaian "watermist" menjadi salah satu upaya untuk membuat langit Jakarta semakin membaik dan berwarna biru. Penyiraman jalan-jalan protokol di Jakarta ini berkolaborasi dengan Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan (Gulkarmat) DKI Jakarta.

Until 2023, road watering has been carried out by the DKI Provincial Government in 249 locations involving 243 cars and 976 personnel.