Sekawan Limo's Film Achieves 2.2 Million Viewers, Bayu Skak Exceeds Yowis Ben's Record

JAKARTA - The horror comedy film Sekawan Limo, directed by Bayu Skak, has been watched by 2.2 million viewers after 3 weeks in theaters. Sekawan Limo is Bayu Skak's latest collaboration with Starvision and producer Chand Parwez Servia after the success of the Yowis Ben film franchise.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you to all the viewers of Sekawan Limo. More than 2.2 million viewers have been entertained by comedy that makes you laugh and makes you cry with emotion, plus the right horror," said Bayu Skak in his official statement, Saturday, July 27.

The film Sekawan Limo follows the story of Bagas, Lenni, Dicky, Juna, and Andrew who are united while climbing Mount Madyopuro. The climbing post guard gave them a warning that the group must be even and be prohibited from turning back or someone will follow.

However, they failed to comply with the myth, and throughout the journey they were constantly haunted. After getting lost until the night of 1 Suro, they finally realized that of the five of them were not humans, and began to accuse each other of who the ghosts were.

The film, which premiered on July 4, 2024, partly had a dialogue using Javanese, typical of East Java, accompanied by Indonesian subtitles. In addition to directing, Bayu Skak also played and filled the soundtrack for the film entitled Gusti, Matur Nuwun.

The film Sekawan Limo stars Bayu Skak, Nadya Arina, Keisya Levronka, Dono Pradana, Benidictus Siregar, Indra Pramujito, Firza Valaza, Devina Aureel, Cak Kartolo, Tini Kartolo, Tri Karnadinata, Beta Sofiansyah, Audya Ananta, Angie Williams, Sarah Tumiwa, Arif Alfiansyah, Cak Ukil, and others.

"The full medok-nya is authentic. It can make a kemekel lan, this achievement also exceeds the achievements of my previous work with Starvision," said Bayu.