PERCASI: Dewa Kipas' Class Is 'Almost Master'

JAKARTA - Dewa Kipas alias Dadang Subur lost badly to Grand Master Irene Sukandar in a match broadcasted on the YouTube channel. However, that does not mean that Dadang does not fight back.

Each participant competes in four rounds, twice white and twice black, with a thought time of 10 minutes each and a break between rounds of 5 minutes.

However, the match was stopped when the third half ended because Dadang didn't want to continue playing. Meanwhile, Irene was winning 3-0.

In the first half, Irene is in the attacking position with the white pawns, while Dadang is in the black, using the Caro-Kann defensive pattern.

Towards the middle of the round, Irene's white dipper was superior in terms of pawn development. Unfortunately, Dadang took a blunder step that actually benefited the white pawns, so that the first round was won by Irene.

In the second half, the chess dipper is played and now Dadang is in an attacking position with a white pawn. Irene with a black pawn takes a pattern to develop chess pieces.

Both of them still lasted until the middle of the round, and Dadang was the favorite in terms of time. However, Dadang made another blunder which made Irene win the second round.

In the third round, Irene played it safe, while Dadang played more actively, according to Grand Master Susanto Megaranto who was the commentator on the match.

Dadang made another blunder, and the third round was Irene's again. In general, GM Susanto saw Irene playing aggressively, while Dadang played more positional.

After the match, GM Susanto and Chelsie Monica Ignesias Sihite said Dadang could play chess well. Match inspector Hendry Jamal who is the daily head of Percasi (Indonesian Chess Association) even said Dadang's quality was 'almost master'.

"I agree with my friends at the national level. I really enjoy the match itself. In accordance with the invitation of Mas Deddy (Corbuzier) I came here as a professional chess player," said Irene when interviewed after the match.