PAN Yakin Elektabilitas Ridwan Kamil Melejit Jika Resmi Diumumkan Maju Pilgub Jakarta

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP National Mandate Party (PAN) Saleh Partaonan Daulay said Ridwan Kamil's electability would skyrocket if it was officially announced that he would run in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. According to Saleh, currently Ridwan Kamil's electability is already high in Jakarta, although it has not been declared that he will run for the Jakarta Pilkada.
The Political Indicators Survey stated that Ridwan Kamil was more competitive against Anies Baswedan than the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.
"Right now, RK has not definitively said that it will advance in Jakarta. Even that survey is already good. If later it is positive, it will be announced, I am sure the survey will be much better," Saleh told reporters, Friday, July 26.
Saleh said Ridwan Kamil was already popular in Jakarta so that the acceptance of the people of Jakarta and their electability would continue to strengthen if they participated in the contestation in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Moreover, Ridwan Kamil is known as a successful and accomplished regional head in Bandung and West Java so that his presence in Jakarta can provide hope for change and progress.
"The RK is known to the people of Jakarta, so efforts to increase electability are not too difficult, he is an inclusive figure, open to voters Anies Baswedan and Ahok," said Saleh.
Saleh said PAN from the start had supported Ridwan Kamil to advance in Jakarta. The reason is, PAN assesses that Ridwan Kamil will be a competitive governor candidate to beat Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
"We also believe that only RK is able to compete competitively against Anies. It remains only to find the right partner so that the electoral can increase and increase significantly," said Saleh.
PAN, said Saleh, continues to pay close attention to the dynamics of the Jakarta gubernatorial election in the future to get the best cagub-cawagub pair. PAN, he said, also offered its best cadre to run as Jakarta cawagub, namely Zita Anjani.
"PAN is still open to all possibilities. There is still more than 1 month before registration. Within this month, there could be changes and dynamics," concluded Saleh.
It is known, the results of the latest Indonesian Political Indicators survey show that Ridwan Kamil (RK) became Anies Baswedan's competitive opponent in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) rather than the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). Although, Ridwan Kamil's electability in June 2024 was under Anies and Ahok.
In the simulation of three names, Anies' electability was highest with 43.8%, followed by Ahok with 32.1%, and Ridwan Kamil with 18.9%. According to the Main Researcher of Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, this happened because Ridwan Kamil was able to attract Ahok voters when dealing with Anies.