Preparing To Convert To Sharia, Nagari Bank Cooperates With Muamalat Institute To Improve HR Competencies

JAKARTA - PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatra Barat or Nagari Bank is making efforts to improve the quality of human resources (HR) related to understanding Islamic banking products through a collaboration built with the Muamalat Institute.

Head of the HR Division of Nagari Bank, Zilfa Efrizon, said this collaboration was a real effort to improve service quality in order to smooth the company's conversion process into a sharia bank.

"We have a strong commitment to prepare quality human resources capable of understanding Islamic banking. Through this training, Nagari Bank hopes that the participants will be able to master the Islamic banking contract and products properly,” he said in a press statement, Monday, March 22.

Zilfa added that his party pays more attention to the capabilities of personnel in understanding the principles of sharia considering that the reliable ability of employees is the key to Nagari Bank's success in overhauling the concept of financial services in the future.

“Employees are the spearhead of banking services. For that we feel it is very necessary to provide a comprehensive understanding and improvement of the quality of human resources regarding sharia principles," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Education and Training Group Nong Yendra revealed that the rapid development of information must be accompanied by a high enthusiasm for learning so as not to be disrupted in fierce competition, especially in the financial services industry.

"Therefore, we hope that the participants who take part in this training can enthusiastically ask questions and gain as much insight as possible," he said.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Muamalat Institute, Anton Hendrianto, said that this activity was also a step to continuously develop the ability to understand Islamic principles in the internal environment of Nagari Bank.

"The participants who are present today are the future successors of Nagari Bank's leadership relay. So, increasing competence and integrity is an absolute must to achieve success in the future," he added.

Anton also explained that the Muamalat Institute continues to support the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) facility, which is the result of the collaboration between the two institutions. According to him, the e-learning process can be used outside the classroom and has flexible time.

"Through LMS, we believe learning activities that are anytime and anywhere will be a separate support for Nagari Bank employees in understanding the sharia banking business in a modern way," he said.

For information, Nagari Bank is preparing to convert its banking business activities from conventional to sharia. Based on the information gathered, the Nagari Bank Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on November 30, 2019, decided that the company must complete the conversion process no later than two years after the determination was made.

This means that the reshuffle of the business principles of the bank that is the pride of the citizens of West Sumatra will be completed on November 30 this year or in the third quarter of 2021. This training was held at the Grand Inna Hotel, Padang, West Sumatra last week, followed by 70 Nagari Bank employees.