Kaops NCS Polri Asks Police Chiefs To Manage Potential Conflicts

JAKARTA - The Head of Operations for the Nusantara Cooling System (NCS) of the National Police, Inspector General Asep Edi Suheri, has asked all Police Chiefs and Police Chiefs of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police to manage potential conflicts ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

It is undeniable that there will be many challenges faced in the implementation of simultaneous regional elections, ranging from hoax news, SARA issues, propaganda and hate speech that can divide the unity and integrity of the nation.

Thus, to minimize potential conflicts, efforts to cool the atmosphere or cooling system so that the implementation of regional elections in NTB Province known as the City of One Million Mosques can run safely, peacefully, orderly and coolly.

"The police chief must be able to manage potential conflicts, it's useless to reveal cases but can't detect and manage potential conflicts. If he can't manage the potential of the conflict, it is considered that he doesn't succeed in carrying out his duties. Often go to the field," said Asep when giving directions to 400 NTB Police personnel and the ranks of the Resort Police through offline and online at the Sasana Dharma Hall of the NTB Police Headquarters, Thursday, July 25.

In addition, to anticipate the occurrence of conflict, it is recommended that the Regional Police implement the Cooling System Task Force Team with the name local wisdom as formed by the Aceh Police, namely the Sejuk Seulawah Task Force Team. Later, all satkers must be able to cooperate in preemptive and preventive activities.

It was also emphasized that the National Police played an important role in maintaining security, public order (kamtibmas), especially during the democratic party. He explained the efforts that had been made by the Operation Nusantara Cooling System in cooling the atmosphere during the presidential and legislative elections yesterday so that it could run safely and peacefully without division.

"Commit community leaders, religious leaders, activists, student organizations and youth organizations and the community invite to maintain unity and integrity as well as the progress of the nation above the interests of the group," he said.

Then, other humanist efforts were carried out, namely social service activities to the community such as building drill water wells, house renovations and providing social assistance in the form of basic necessities. At the time of this activity, said Kaops, he could invite all levels of society so that the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada runs safely, peacefully, orderly and coolly.

Meanwhile, the NTB Police Chief Inspector General Umar Faroq is grateful for the arrival of the Nusantara Cooling System Operation team. He asked all his members to have the same spirit to make the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada successful in NTB Province can run safely and peacefully.

"Don't let the spirit of losing to the central team. Members must be ready to secure the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. The regional election security is the concern of the National Police Chief who has formed the Nusantara Cooling System Operation team, this team gets a very heavy task from the National Police Chief. The team from this headquarters consists of Bareskrim, intelligence, binmas, public relations, logistics to all of them so that the implementation of the regional elections runs safely," he said.

Apart from Kaops, Deputy Head of NCS Polri Brigadier General Yuyun Yudhantara, Head of the Preemptive Task Force Brigadier General M Rudy Syafirudin, Head of the Preventive Task Force Brigadier General Himawan Bayu Aji and Head of Public Relations Task Force Brigadier General Gatot Repli Handoko also gave directions for the realization of a safe, peaceful and orderly 2024 simultaneous regional election.

The NCS Polri Ops team that accompanies KaminOPs NCS, Brigadier General Budi Hermawan and Deputy Head of Preemptive Task Force Kombes DwiSuryo Cahyono.