Prosecutors Apply For Cassation Of Ronald Tannur's Free Sentence, DPR Asks Supreme Court To Enforce Justice

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the PKB faction, Rano Alfath, supports the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who will file an appeal against the decision of the Surabaya District Court regarding the acquittal against Gregorius Ronald Tannur in the alleged murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

The Commission for Law and Human Rights asked the Supreme Court (MA) to uphold justice by making the fairest decision.

Rano admitted that he was concerned about the free verdict given by the Surabaya District Court judges against the defendant. According to him, the decision was very disappointing and did not reflect the facts on the ground, as revealed by the results of the investigation by the public prosecutor and the police.

"Investigations carried out by prosecutors and the police have shown strong evidence regarding the defendant's involvement in the sadistic murder of Dini Sera Afrianti. This evidence should be sufficient to secure the appropriate punishment for the defendant," Rano told reporters, Thursday, July 25.

"However, this free decision shows that there is injustice in our justice system that cannot be accepted," he continued.

According to Rano, the judge's decision seemed to ignore many important facts that had been presented during the trial. Therefore, it supports the steps taken by the Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari) to take legal action.

"We both in the PKB faction and Commission III of the DPR RI fully support the steps taken by the Surabaya District Attorney to file an appeal. This legal effort is a form of our commitment to uphold justice and ensure that none of the perpetrators of crimes escape the legal snares just because of their social or political status," said Rano.

Rano also urged that the cassation process be carried out with full integrity and transparency. "We also ask that the Supreme Court really consider the evidence that has been presented, and ensure that justice is upheld," he stressed.

"There should be no compromise in law enforcement, and we will continue to oversee this process so that justice for victims and their families can be realized," he added.

Rano also asked law enforcement officials to work professionally and objectively, and ensure that the rights of victims and their families are respected and protected.

"Strict and fair law enforcement is the main pillar in maintaining public trust in our justice system," concluded Rano.

It is known that the Public Prosecutor (JPU) will file an appeal against the decision of the Surabaya District Court regarding the acquittal against Gregorius Ronald Tannur in the alleged murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

The Head of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Siregar, said that the reason for the appeal was because the judge's decision was deemed inappropriate.

"So indeed we have to appeal it, because looking at the facts of the trial and the judge's considerations seem inappropriate," Harli told reporters, Thursday, July 25.

According to him, several considerations by the panel of judges, one of which was that none of the witnesses saw the incident felt strange.

Moreover, the evidence that had been submitted in court such as CCTV footage showed Gregorius Ronald Tannur crossing Dini Sera Afriyanti's car.

"So all the facts that have been submitted, for example CCTV, that the evidence ran over the victim, while the judge looked more at the absence of witnesses," he said.

"The consideration is too vague and does not look at the facts in the field and those proposed by the prosecutor. So we did state an appeal," continued Harli.