Already In Action In Several Locations, 2 Youths Who Steal Iron Cover Drainage In Samarinda Arrested By Police

SamARINDA - Sungai Pinang Police, Samarinda City Resort Police (Polresta), East Kalimantan, arrested a gang of iron thieves covering drainage in Samarinda City."This arrest stems from reports from residents regarding the disappearance of a number of iron coverings on drainage on Jalan Rajawali Dalam 1, RT 11 Sungai Pinang Dalam Village, Samarinda," said Sungai Pinang Police Chief AKP Rachmad Aribowo in Samarinda, Antara, Thursday, July 25.He put forward, armed with residents' reports and CCTV footage, the police team immediately moved quickly to carry out an investigation.From CCTV footage, the police managed to identify the vehicle used by the perpetrators, namely a green pickup truck. After further investigation, the car was found and secured."We managed to secure two perpetrators with the initials MR and AEN. Both are recidivist similar cases," he said.AKP Rachmad explained that the perpetrators had carried out the action more than once in different locations. The stolen iron is sold to scrap metal collectors."Their modus operandi is quite neat. They use fake number plates to trick the officers," added AKP Rachmad.For their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a maximum penalty of nine years in prison. Rachmad explained that although the two perpetrators had been arrested, the police were still hunting down another perpetrator who was on the wanted list (DPO).He appealed to the public who knew the whereabouts of the perpetrators to immediately report to the nearest police station.
"This case is important to remind the public to always be vigilant and participate in maintaining public facilities. If you see any crime, immediately report it to the authorities," said Rachmad.