BPBD Values Peat Land Fire Discussion In West Kalimantan Grand Kubu Urgen

The discussion of peatlands and minerals in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) is urgent to prevent fires from expanding so that it has an impact on the socio-economics of local communities.

The statement was made by the Chief Executive of the Kubu Raya Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Herry Purwoko in an online broadcast entitled "Disaster Teropong" of the National Disaster Management Agency which was attended in Jakarta, Thursday, July 25.

Herry revealed that most peatlands and minerals in Kubu Raya were dry, including a number of existing water reservoirs, as a result of the absence of rain that flushed the area in the last 15 days.

His party estimates that the water level is at 30-39 centimeters below the peat surface. The strong wind has also caused land fires in Kubu Raya to be unavoidable and tend to spread.

An inventory data from the Kubu Raya BPBD Operations Control Center noted that at least 30 hectares of peatlands and minerals have been burned since July 19-23.

"Ramping quickly after the fire in Kapap and Limbung sub-districts has been controlled, now it has entered Rasau Jaya and Sungai Raya sub-districts as many as four hotspots," he said, confiscated by Antara.

The Kubu Raya Regency Government has previously set a standby status for forest and land fires from March to December 2024.

However, seeing the conditions in the field, which in five days tens of hectares have been burned, he said, the emergency response status of forest and land fires will soon be issued. The increase in status is expected to further maximize efforts to overcome and prevent land fires in Kubu Raya.

In this case, what is most needed is the addition of personnel and infrastructure for water sprinkling both land and air using helicopters, or a weather modification operation to increase the chance of rain in order to wet peatlands and minerals.

"According to the BMKG analysis, West Kalimantan has the potential for rain on July 30, this potential will be maximized (land fires) so that it does not spread further, causing an impact on the community and the economy," he said.

On the other hand, he mentioned that for the medium-term plan to control forest and land fires, his party recommended the Department of Plantation and Agriculture to produce vacant or abandoned land, including those within the concession area of industrial companies.