Church In Depok Ludes Burns, Viral Firefighter Sandi Apologizes

Depok City firefighters whose video room tour went viral apologized to Christians in Depok. The reason was that he and his team felt that they failed to extinguish the fire that destroyed the building of the Agape Ministry Church of God Congregation, in Depok City, West Java on Tuesday, July 23 night. Sandi assessed the church's sold out because of inadequate equipment. The problem of the amount of damage to fire equipment, including cars, was previously submitted through viral videos. "For the people of Depok City, I apologize. The proof goes directly to the community, one church runs out. For the Christian community in Depok, I apologize. My Muslim friends also put out, I too. For the car, please the public assess and journalists earlier also see," Sandi said in a social media account. Sandi assessed, if the Depok City Fire and Rescue Service had adequate equipment, the fire at the Church of the God Congregation Agape Ministry could be minimized. On that occasion Sandi also criticized Deputy Mayor Depok Imam Budi Hartono, who previously assessed his video tour room was unethical. For Deputy Deputy Deputy (Dekik Mayor of Depok Im Budi Hartono, ed) who blamed me for not having ethics, using your heart, sir. This is proof (of the church fire), sir, "added Sandi. The fire destroyed the building of the Church of the Agape Ministry Congregation, in Depok City, West Java on Tuesday night. Report was received at 19.50 WIB by the reporter named Joseph.

A total of 20 personnel were deployed in this operation, with the help of units from various posts, including 2 units from Mako, 2 units from UPT Cimanggis, 2 units from UPT Tapos, and 1 unit from Pos Merdeka. After working hard for two hours, a safe point was reached at 22.10 WIB. Even though the fire scorched the entire church, no casualties were reported in this incident.