OJK Targets 30 Percent Of Leaders Coming From Women In 2027

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to strive to balance women's leadership within the organization (gender equality), and it is hoped that by 2027 at least 30 percent of OJK leaders will be women.

Last year, the total female leaders only reached 15 percent, and this year it rose to 19 percent. This is in line with the gender composition which is increasing the percentage of women. As in PCS7, 58 percent of whom are women," said OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 23.

OJK is committed to continuing to develop the quality of OJK employees to always be prepared to face the challenges of the financial industry which are getting bigger in the future as mandated in Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU P2SK).

OJK also continues to strengthen the organization in order to support the implementation of OJK duties and functions in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector and facing the challenges of development in the financial services sector.

This is realized by OJK through the Staff Candidate Education Program (PCS), and currently OJK is holding PCS Force 7.

"We prioritize quality over quantity. The real proof is that we actually expect the number of participants in PCS Force 7 (PCS7) to be 300 people, but what is really accepted is according to the criteria, parameters and stipulated conditions," he said.

Previously, in March 2024 the OJK opened recruitment for PCS7 which was attended by more than 52,000 participants who registered, then based on the selection results, 261 participants who passed and managed to participate in the PCS7 program.

The PCS OJK program has been implemented since 2013 and has been followed by 2,014 participants.

Since 2022, OJK has implemented a massive and comprehensive organizational transformation program including organizational structure adjustments, work patterns and fulfillment of work infrastructure.

"The current composition of OJK employees is 76.8 percent or almost 80 percent, namely the millennial and millennial generation. OJK must of course be the main preferred institution in the labor market and remain competitive with other institutions and the change was a prerequisite for that," he said.

The PCS7 program lasts nine months using three learning methods, namely educational learning through classical education, exposure learning through the implementation of On The Job Training (OJT), and expert learning through work orientation in specific Work Units.

Thus, it is hoped that after completing the PCS7 program, participants will have the ability to be skilled and competent in carrying out their duties (skillful); behave well, uphold ethics, obey the rules and discipline of employees (well-behaved); have integrity in carrying out their duties and uphold honesty (integrity); be able to adapt quickly to the work environment wherever assigned (flexible); tough in dealing with problems and work situations, positive thinking, solution, and strong mentality (through).